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Diaspora Irish

Defending Ireland

Join the movement to protect Irish Heritage, Freedom and Sovereignty

The Diaspora Irish cannot vote in Ireland, but we CAN play a game-changing role in the upcoming Irish election!

  • Show solidarity and strength in numbers by joining Diaspora Irish and inviting friends and family to do the same
  • Donate to parties & candidates who have made the FFF vow to defend Free Speech, Fair Borders & Full Sovereignty
  • Give resident Irish the gift of our external perspective & encourage them to trust in their sanity and hold onto hope
  • Use our ready-made email/letter templates to contact politicians, civil servants & journalists in Ireland & overseas

Action Needed

Unbelievable though it is, the Government sworn to serve the well-being of the Irish Nation is doing all it can with maximum speed and minimum transparency to undermine individual liberty, collective sovereignty, and the borders that any civilised society relies on to preserve and develop its culture and heritage. Many ideas exist as to how Ireland can best prosper, but the 3 Fs are the foundation we must start at: the Hate Speech Bill, Digital Services Act, WHO Pandemic Treaty, EU Migration Pact – and their advocates – must be rejected. You, a member of the Irish diaspora, can help the Irish in Ireland to achieve victory, by financing election candidates, encouraging the weary, reassuring the self-doubting, and advocating in defence of FFF. The future of Ireland, our customs and way of life, demands a landslide election win for new parties defending old principles.

Our History

Some 3 million Irish citizens live outside Ireland – emigrants and their children and grandchildren – and it is estimated 70-80 million worldwide have some Irish heritage. The great majority of our ancestors who emigrated in the 18th and 19th centuries did so because of famine, oppression, wars, and a burning desire for a better life. But they never forgot their roots and greatly supported those back home, including assisting friends and family to emigrate and find employment in their newly adopted country. This continued with the establishment of the Irish state, and the development of the EU, but finally began to change as reforms in the 1990s saw accelerating economic growth, which continued through the Celtic Tiger boom years. Since then, IMF austerity, Covid lockdowns, rampant inflation of the money supply, an escalating housing shortage, and unprecedented mass immigration have seen emigration surging again, with 70% of young Irish reportedly considering it, even as many who have already left are begging the government to make it viable for them to return to Ireland and still raise a family. It's a long, wild ride the Irish have been on, but with modern communications technology and an ancient love, we can find our footing.

Some may say it is hypocritical for those who went abroad for a better life to want to place limits on people coming to Ireland for a better life; but the comparison is unfair. The diaspora immigrated legally, paid their way, and were in most cases fleeing oppression; whereas only a minority of migrants to Ireland today are true refugees and they find themselves not in a colonial project seeking to populate vast territories, but the ancient, inhabited island of a people who have done more than their fair share for the uplifting of human dignity, and who deserve to retain their character and way of life without being slandered. Diaspora Irish has been formed for this purpose, to channel the energy of Irish citizens around the world so that Irish politics can be pressured into behaving reasonably. With Finance, Counsel, Encouragement, and Advocacy, you can effect change on the ground for your fellow Irish living in Ireland, ensuring that true harmony prevails and the Irish government finds wisdom.

The Other Side

Those in favour of mass immigration would say we are all human beings and individuals of other cultures enrich Irish society, thus we should let everyone in who agrees to follow our laws and be a decent person. There is absolutely some truth in this, for cultural diversity offers new ideas and opportunities for better living; however, it is a simplistic take which overlooks the fact that Ireland is suffering a dire housing crisis, and so more people is unwise on that most simple of levels. Beyond this, however, we must remember the value of our own culture and the right of the Irish people by ancestral inheritance to say that the Irish way is to be placed above others. Many immigrants do not want to integrate – they love their own culture too much – and humans are creatures of habit, so change is not easy. Though immigrants must be welcomed and treated with respect, the number of newcomers must have some yearly limit, or else the whole culture will disintegrate into a mini planet of various separate cultures overlapping in space but worlds apart in their views and stories. The Earth is full of beautiful people and cultures – ourselves and our traditions included among them – but it's okay for Ireland to be Irish. It's even lovely.

The status quo also say Free Speech cannot include bigoted, inaccurate or emotionally toxic speech, so the state has a duty to get involved. But this misses the point that we don't know what we don't know, and so none of us are qualified to be a regulator of truth. Yes, we should try to reduce ignorance, divisiveness and toxicity from society; but through love and lucidity.

Sovereignty? They say Ireland must follow international rules just as an individual must obey the law, and centralising power in the EU and UN is fair and wise. But throughout history power is most often centralised by those who intend to misuse it, and once gathered together it is difficult to pry apart. Nation states exist as a counterbalance to such tyranny and allow ethnic groups to form stable societies small enough that the people can ensure those in power are using it for public good. We have ample evidence international institutions are privy to corruption, so let us instead embody enlightened nationhood.

Tell Me More . . .

Irish people who haven't been home in a while may be surprised to learn Ireland is not the peaceful, quiet place it once was. The lockdown period made many people wonder how reliable the government really is, and this open wound of broken trust is being filled with painful crisis after crisis, while our politicians ratchet up the rhetoric of condemnation and shame, unable or unwilling to enter into good-faith dialogue with the huge segment of the population who think they are out of control. The government seems possessed of a religious fervour in its devotion to what could perhaps best be described as 'Woke'. The cult of victimhood and identity politics has taken root amid the usual mix of corporate power and dense bureaucracy. Many high-ranking public officials have openly declared opposition to traditional Irish society, feeling it not 'diverse' enough and requiring mass injection of newcomers to remedy. Everywhere the novel and unusual is celebrated, from LGBT to Islam to plus-sized models, to the beauty of every culture under the sun except our own – while nowhere do we see official support for the formation of families, the devotion to a spiritual or religious system of character cultivation, the value of western ways. We still see celebrations of traditional music, some mythology, and half-hearted nods to our ancestral freedom-fighters; but by and large the image of modern Ireland one sees in government and corporate advertisements is not Irish at all, but global.

The unwillingness of the political-media-class to respect the rights of the culture whose liberal openness is what has allowed so many foreign people and foreign ideas to make a home in Ireland is shocking and baffling, leading to a massive backlash. Newcomers – not a few known to be faking refugee status – are often given preferential treatment over native Irish; hospital waiting lists have grown so long that avoidable tragedies are occurring; competition for homes, crèches and schools is fierce; crime rates are soaring, which some would link to the countless unvetted young males being let into the country; public debt and spending is immense, yet infrastructure and services are generally poor; the Irish language is still spoken daily by only 1% of the population, and despite surging interest in its revival and the increasing popularity of Irish-medium education, the rate of immigration seems sure to outstrip even the most optimistic prospects for expanding the usage of our ancestral tongue. The country is restless with concern to see immigration brought to lower levels – or even paused – and yet the government is defiant; even deploying gardaí en masse with heavy-handed tactics to break up peaceful protests by local communities who oppose the construction in their neighbourhood (without any forewarning or consultation) of huge migrant encampments. An asylum seeker camp has even been placed in the middle of the Connemara Gaeltacht, encouraging locals to use English.

Ireland has reached a point where we simply must remove the mainstream political parties and interest groups from office. This may be our last chance, as another 5 years may well be too much to ever undo. Irish liberty, sovereignty and heritage seem to have a very different meaning for Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, The Greens, Sinn Féin, Labour, PBP-S and Social Democrats. New parties and new candidates – many of them Independent – are rising to fill the void. We, Diaspora Irish, can help them. We can protect Free Speech from the Hate Speech Bill, and the Digital Services Act; defend Sovereignty from the WHO Pandemic Treaty, EU Migration Pact and the eroding of military Neutrality; reaffirm our border and national self-ownership. Ireland's unique way of life can flourish, with newcomers joining in a diverse cultural harmony without disinheriting locals. This is possible if we come together – the Irish in Ireland and the Irish abroad – to walk the balance between the old and new.

All Hands On Deck

Diaspora Irish was formed by two members of Gaelic Awakening and we believe the vision and principles of our political party best captures the essence of what Ireland now needs. Therefore we encourage you to visit to educate yourself on what is happening in Ireland, how we should understand it, and what the Irish can do about it; and to donate to GA so that leaflets, posters and adverts may be produced and distributed. However, many patriotic parties and persons have arisen in recent years to defend Ireland from the growing danger, and we encourage you to learn about them all and to support and donate to whoever resonates with you. It is all hands on deck now. There is no room for ego or internal division; our only loyalty is to the Irish Nation, and may political parties who truly serve Ireland all rally together to fight for the core issues that we all agree upon: Free Speech, Fair Borders, and Full Sovereignty. All who have made the FFF vow are listed on this website, and to support any of them is to support all of them and to support Mother Ireland in her hour of great need.