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Be a financier of freedom and fairness in Ireland

Donate to the parties and candidates below; every penny is a growing seed!

This list will be updated as more confirm their commitment to the Three Fs: Free Speech, Fair Borders, and Full Sovereignty. Please note that only Irish citizens are legally permitted to donate from abroad to political candidates and parties in Ireland.

Gaelic Awakening
A new political party, formed in 2024 to defend the Three Fs and restore balance to Irish society and politics through honesty, empathy, careful analysis, clear communication, and deep devotion to the unending process of awakening to Truth as it is.
Free Speech, Fair Borders, Full Sovereignty


Why are the Three Fs the criteria for who should be supported? Because they are the essential minimum Ireland needs.


  • This means NO to the Hate Speech Bill the Irish government is determined to pass, despite massive opposition, and NO to the Digital Services Act (which became law this year) which allows the state to police so-called 'misinformation' on the Internet. It means YES to freedom of speech, letting everyone say whatever they want – rude, wrong or radical – just not calls for violence.


  • This means NO to the Government's open door mass immigration policy of letting asylum seekers entering the country unvetted. Many of these are economic migrants exploiting Irish generosity; many come on planes and flush their passports down the toilet to claim asylum and immediate social welfare; most are not the typical wife-and-children refugees but single military-age men; many of these people are living in tent cities which keep sprawling through our cities, many others in hotels at taxpayer expense, many in the giant new camps being built in small villages throughout the country against the protests of the outnumbered locals.
  • This in the context of the Irish government calling Ireland 'too white', with 'white privilege', needing to be 'diversified' with up to a million migrants by 2040; demonising as 'racist' and 'far-right' any who protest such a giant increase in even legal immigration for a country in a housing crisis, homeless crisis, and cost of living crisis for the regular people expected to foot the bill for all the goodies granted to the newcomers (often prioritised over native Irish). And this isn't even to mention the utter incompatibility of such sudden mass immigration with the future of the hopeful and growing but still vulnerable Irish language revival movement. We must say YES to compassion and support for the truly needy and to appreciating the wonderful immigrants who contribute to Ireland in many ways; but we must remember Ireland has the right, and perhaps even the duty, at the end of the day to be Irish.


  • It means NO to the WHO Pandemic Treaty which would surrender Ireland's hard-won sovereignty and decision-making power to a foreign institution under the sway of Big Business and the Chinese Communist Party, with corruption and conflict of interest at scandalous levels. The lesson of the Lockdown period was the dangers of Groupthink and over-centralising the solutions, yet the Government wants to allow the World Health Organisation the power to declare lockdowns in Ireland at the drop of a hat.
  • It means NO to the EU Migration Pact, which the government signed Ireland up to without a referendum or any concern for the massive resistance of the population to further immigration, discarding our precious European Union 'Opt-Out' ability, meaning the EU itself will control our border in regard to migrant flows. Despite the increasing police brutality witnessed in villages and suburbs where locals have marched to refuse the 'new plantation' of Ireland with opportunistic people of vastly different culture, yet the mainstream media in Ireland and our so-called representatives have no empathy or concessions to offer the hurting Irish.
  • It means NO to edging Ireland into the arms of NATO, when our Neutrality has served us so well in past emergencies; especially now when the prospect of global conflict is tragically all too real. It means YES to an independent, strong and peaceful Ireland.